Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Magic Carpet ride of my life

Recently been having good laughters with random people, and it made me
realize that life isnt about the things,or the past happenings but its about
relationships. how you cherish and give value to the people that surrounds you.

I also love the way Im growing in my leadership, my creativity,being idealistic,

organizing events, to connect all these skills and be fruitful. I am surprised how
things fall into places which I never thought this day would come. I have no
background in Advertising/marketing and Public Relations but my Heavenly father
gave me such skill. It is new actually to see this concept on my hand and theres 
nothing I would do, but to give and share, reminded me about this qoute:

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"

There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other 

is getting it. and I could say that ive been to the first phase,and im on my way pursueing 
life at its best. I love the places ive traveled,I love the people I met,my experiences
and I've learned to love myself and it is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

so,In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: "it goes on"

so I encourage whoever reads this article, to push through your passion,
push through your desires in life. you'll be surprised the things you desired,is
now in your hands.

Luke 6:10

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones"

i'll see you next time in my next destination!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Redeeming the airwaves

these two ladies are amazing friends of mine. they host a radio show titled heartbeat every Wednesday afternoons at 5:00 - 7:00 in the evening, and I also invite you guys to listen to my show after this, Impact life from 7:00 - 9:00 in the evening. hope to hear from you guys! listen to us on this link where ever you are in the world www.myradiostream.com/edgedavao

Davao City,Philippines 100% smoke free

Davao City has been named the first 100% smoke free City in Southeast Asia, 
when I read the news about this,it made me feel proud of where I am living, 
of course who else doesn't want to be recognized as a city whose known to 
be a "role model" against smoking.

in addition to that two months ago,May 2013 Davao City tightened its anti 
smoking Ordinance. I'm not a smoker so I'm pro to its new policy which now 
covers the use of all tobacco products, and that includes 
the use of E-cigars and Shishas.

surely it will be a fuss to smokers to adjust to the new ordinance that prohibits 
them to smoke in all public places,buildings,outdoor spaces, public,private 
and government-owned vehicles. many would be against this new policy,and 
many would be glad to support Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. Locals say this 
city is getting boring, No Fire works during Christmas break,
No Liquors, No loud Audios, No noisy motorcycles, less crime rate,
and now No smoking in public places.

wouldn't you like to have a vacation in this kind of City? its for you to experience
 the Scenery where I lived in, Davao City,Philippines