Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blessing Friday

This week has been a huge week for me and  I wanna thank the Lord for His grace and provision, it is really amazing how people became a blessing to you and simply you just smile for you know it is the Lord who arranged it for you.

Romans 8:28 all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

so I wanna bless, Jan for having a positive and light personality, I see his great leadership and dedication to Carve which is also a huge impact to me to become more productive and he is generous enough to really help me out with my webinar, also Adz, I bless her for her obedience to the Lord, her heart to teach and walk with you towards your learning I appreciate it a lot, correct me if im wrong, but I've seen a transformation in you in the past months, and its good! I bless you in His name Adz,and you are a blessing to all.

Boss Tom and Maam A, I am just amaze how God works in their lives. I am impacted how they handle their kids, they look awesome,so high energy,I am blessed by the testimonies they tell, and praise God, thats what I needed to hear in this season of my life. I am challanged  to draw near,draw closer to the Lord for they are carrying a huge presence of the Lord.I bless the works of their hands, more wisdom, clearer view ahead, strength in every trials and more fun and exciting activities in Carve.

well, I'm not really having a lot of tasks from him, but I feel like I'm shadowing him, which means, I can relate and I am guilty every time he testify about what the Lord has done in his life. I see Joel, as a strong man of God, his dedication to lead worship, to just encourage his peers and motivate others is just amazing. Praise God for being compassionate in serving Him with his gifting, by following what His leading is, you became an instrument for others to learn to walk as well with the Lord. I am blessed knowing Joel, a huge impact in my life. I bless you, with provision in terms with finances, undying fire within for the Lord and Godly lifetime partner soon.

Kristine, you never failed to be a channel of blessing here at Carve. In this journey, it is never easy to be just depend on your own strength, it may be hard, but you've got a whole bunch of friends behind you. Continue standing for what is right, becoming the salt and light to the one whose in darkness. open your heart to what God is telling you,  and close your ears to the enemy that's telling you lies about blessing people. you are a world changer and Christ in you is more powerful than the problems that you are facing. Once one soul is a threat to the enemy, he will make every possible ways to take you down, but nothing can take you down once you're already down at "His" feet. God bless you Tin!

Crave, I see a warrior in you, that one day would be a huge influence toward the future. I bless you, for you have the openness to listen, to be taught and to accept mistakes. I see you have a teachable character and a teachable heart, which is an good thing to be more productive and have a healthy and a safe work environment. you bless people with the simple conversations during break and I see growth in you spiritually and emotionally. I bless you, with more positive influence people, good companion, healthy family ties, inspiration, healing in all aspect, and ultimate strength.

my word for you today is composed of 4 Letters, which I hope it has meaning in you. continue working with the right people,shape up your dreams, hold on to God's promises and "RISE".

you have a positive impact to my life, and I wanna see more dramatic change as He moves His hands on you.

Bless you more J! you are the light of the world, and a light in my world.


please visit my blog page, and if you have blog advice,critic ot it.
im happy to hear them.

Bless ya'll

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