Wednesday, April 16, 2014

He is my HERO

it was a tiring day, to just walk and walk and walk.. 
spent hours just staying in Malls,parks and arcades. 
I was supposed to be going home,
its just too long to wait for 7:00pm to go to 
SM Lanang and cover 
a Futsal game, but then everytime I feel like giving up, 
I tend to stop, and just
pray for 10 seconds. 

remember when I was talking to my previous 
post about me not having the equipment that I needed, 
and just be like gladiators,
shoot events in a hard core mode coz ive
 got nothing at all.

with those lil pauses and pray a little, ride a jeepney, 
get bored and stucked in
a traffick,pause and pray a little, 
this is where Gods hand does what he 
promises. I almost burst into tears today, 
waiting for the guy im meeting
with and I just waited long hours to just meet him, I mean, 
it could have been easier
for me to meet up with people if I have a cellphone, 
but then no, I need to walk, 
look for public internet cafe, log in to facebook and 
check my inbox just to
communicate to people.

with the Lord's grace, I am able to meet them up in 
person successfully.
more than that, Gods hands is just so amazing how he arrange 
all these,today he meets what I need to make films. 
which is a Go Pro
camera. The Lord is so gracious to the faithful 
servants He has, and 
once He wants you to do something, He provides. 

all of these are His blessings in disguise
I cant wait to see more of the action that he will
carve into this journey together with you. 
I am being blessed, and I pray God will also meet what you
desire in life. 

continue to be obedient and have a good heart!

Glory to God.

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